The Devastating Shake
41,232 Deaths and 110,000+ Injured From the Catastrophic Earthquake in Turkey and Syria
Hours ago, everything seemed to be going well, but now everywhere you go devastation seems to hit. Looking around at the collapsed buildings: your school that’s become broken parts, and your father’s market torn to shreds, the city you grew up in is a stranger. Oftentimes, what happens in the Middle East can be seemingly “impossible” to happen to us, however, a 7.8 earthquake is extremely plausible, especially in California.
On Feb. 6, a calamitous earthquake rattled Turkey and Syria. Ten days later and the desolation of this natural disaster is more felt than ever. The death toll continues to rise and every day, more people are being rescued from the rubble of their homes.
With 2.4 million people displaced, property damage worth $50-80 billion, and 24 million lives affected, recovering from this earthquake is no easy feat, Turkey and Syria are in dire need of support. In this frigid winter, donations of food, health aid, sweaters, shoes, and blankets are much needed. Locations and links for donations are provided below. Times like these are a reminder to hold your loved ones close and stand united as humanity.
In San Diego county drop off donations at ICSD 7050 Eckstrom Ave, San Diego CA, 92111
They accept:
-gently used blankets & jackets
-baby food
-first aid kits

Fatima Hamideh is a Senior at San Marcos High School. She joined Pendragon because she is passionate about learning and sharing stories through writing....