Zoe Kessler is a senior here on SMHS campus. She is involved in Knights News, theatre, Drama Club Executive Board, Excalibur Knights, Newspaper and was a dancer on the Cavaliers Dance team for two years. Zoe is also a member of the National Honors Society.
Outside of school, Zoe pursues her love of the environment and animals by writing for her blog,onemasonjaratatime.com, and volunteering at the Oceanside Humane Society. Through these activities she has expanded her own knowledge on environmentalism and sustainability as well as learned how to take care of animals.
Zoe has a passion for helping others and strives to serve anyone she can when possible. She loves writing and says “Writing has really allowed me to learn how to tell my story but also grow my perspective on other stories as well.” Theatre has also allowed her to step into others shoes and learn about their stories. She says that through writing and theatre she has become a more empathic person as she is able to see through a new perspective.
She reflected on how theatre has been impacted and is sad that the Starry Knights family cannot see each other every day like they used to in the past. However, she is grateful for the Drama Club as it allows them to connect and see each other every week. Zoe says, “Everything’s gone online and there’s a lot less time with each other which is sad.”
Zoe was very excited to be accepted into Excalibur Knights because she wanted to represent the performing arts department. Being a member of Excalibur Knights has helped her connect with people that she wouldn’t have talked to otherwise.
Finally, Zoe gives her advice for underclassmen. “If you are a freshman or sophomore right now, get into something you really enjoy and are passionate about — preferably something you’re interested in in the future — and try to stay with it for all four years if you can… Try to find it, stick with it, grow with it, and really pursue it.”