Jaden Andersen Student Profile

By Zoe Kessler 

Jaden Andersen, a San Marcos High School senior, is no stranger to the spotlight. He has spent a great deal of time performing in the Starry Knights Drama Department productions portraying roles like Chef Louis in The Little Mermaid. He’s also been cheering his way through numerous school football and basketball games on the Varsity Cheer Team, and recently dancing his heart out in rehearsals for the Cavalier Dance Team.
Jaden has held a passion for the performing arts since he was very young. “Every single time I do it I just feel so much love and acceptance, and I just love doing it.” He said.
Not only does Jaden contribute to the performing arts community through being a part of performances, but is also the Marketing Manager for the Starry Knights Drama Club Executive Board. His favorite part of the job is “..managing the Instagram, because I just love being in charge of social media of course, and I also like knowing that I’m one of the reasons why new people are joining the department.” He explained.
Staying connected to his ethnicity is a major priority for Jaden, which is why he’s a member of Black Student Union. Distance learning has pushed the club to adapt to these new conditions. Jaden informed us that the Black Student Union is “.. going to continue to be doing zoom meetings or club meetings as well to stay active within the club.”
Jaden’s jaw dropped when I asked him to pick his favorite memory in all of his extracurriculars for the past three years. “Oh wow.” he replied, laughing. After a few seconds a memory surfaced for him that stood out among the rest. “I remember varsity cheer, my first home game. I remember I was bringing out my cheerleader box on the field and then everyone was screaming and I just felt all of the energy and joy from the game and from the crowd and it was just my favorite game of all time.”
Jaden strives to pursue theater next year in college and continue to shine bright on the stage.