The Flowery World of Floral Design

By Zoe Kessler

You may be surprised to hear that flower arrangements are not all that is done by the students in Floral Design. There is so much more to this VAPA. I interviewed Natalie Richard, a current Floral Design student, on all things bouquets, paper flowers, and even this class leading to a future career option for students as a florist.
Natalie presented the latest projects she has completed in Floral Design, including intricately designed paper roses and carnations, a business model for her very own flower shop, and a bouquet of flowers she put together herself. Natalie informed me that Floral Design “had to improvise this semester.” Usually, the class would be making corsages and boutonnieres for Homecoming, pumpkin bouquets for Halloween, and wreaths for the holiday season on top of all of their usual assignments. These festive projects are usually sold every year on campus to students in the Floral Design classroom.
On top of Floral Design being a VAPA class, it is also part of the FFA, Future Farmers of America, according to Natalie. Due to Floral Design being within the FFA, students are required to complete extra assignments beyond the organizing and designing of bouquets, like growing their own garden from home, which Natalie is currently doing.
Floral Design can be a gateway for many students who are striving to pursue a career as a florist in the future. Natalie described to me a recent project in which she had to design her very own floral shop. The students had to come up with a name, design business cards, and create a logo. Normally, Floral Design would do a project where they arrange bouquets for a wedding or event in order to gain experience in professional bouquet design. Ms. Silva, the current Floral Design teacher, would help the students complete these tasks, Natalie explained.
Floral Design may seem like a simple class, where students cut and arrange flowers ,but in reality it is an in depth course, which teaches students how to care for plants and introduces a future career path.